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Gift cards represent a significant revenue stream for Macy’s, but existing assortment did not represent the brand. I created a branded design system to extend seasonal campaigns into gift cards, increasing the role of Macy’s in the gift exchange. But that was just the start…

Discovering Something New:
I immersed myself in the consumer data on gift card sales, Consumer intercepts and in-store observations revealed how and why people choose a card—to gift a brand that elevates their demonstration of caring..

I looked at existing payment systems and (at that time) emerging mobile wallet technology. By combining the two, I conceived of a new gift card experience that increased store shopping events and increased the perceived value of the gift itself.

The Result:
A gift card that auto-replenishes over a period of time—essentially a gift allowance. This new concept needed a different experience that was both digital and physical. The first digital gift card that incorporated notifications and real-time balance information. The repeating gift increased the perceived value versus a single value traditional card, and for the store increased shopping occasions where the customer was likely to purchase more than the card value.